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A newborn child is struggling for his life following positive test for Coronavirus

A newborn child is struggling for his life following positive test for Coronavirus

A newborn baby battles for his life after he tested positive for the deadly coronavirus. The father of the baby took to Twitter to share photos of his adorable baby after testing positive.

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The father from his post was worried after the doctors handling the baby broke he news to him.

The father also disclosed that the baby after testing positive have been diagnosed with pneumonia and defected trachea. Sad!

Sharing the photo on Twitter he captioned: “Today, my gorgeous boy was rushed to the hospital, he’s currently got pneumonia and been tested for Covid-19 and in isolation with his mummy. We found out he has a defected trachea too which will need surgery. I can’t get to him and I’m broken.”

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The father of the baby identified as Luwk admonished all to tread cautiously as the deadly coronavirus is no respecter of person, it can affect any age and gender.

He added:

“It isn’t private when people think it’s just a “flu” people are so naive and don’t think it’s as bad people make out. I in fact posted this tweet to prove the virus doesn’t care who you are, anyone can be a victim, even children as many people/media have mentioned couldn’t be,”